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Bike & Bite Foodie Ride

Home > Siem Reap

Bike & Bite Foodie Ride



65 USD


½ day


Late Afternoon



Tour Code



Evening Food Tour in Siem Reap

Bike and taste Siem Reap’s vibrant food culture when it is at its most appetizing, in the evening just before sunset.
This is the perfect time to experience some of the truly unique local Khmer delights you simply won’t find on any menu on the tourist trail. The heat of the day gives way quickly to a feeling of calm in the city, as we set out on the backstreets to stop by colorful food stalls, quirky eateries, local night markets and even visiting a local fairground for some fun.
We conclude our experience with a very special dinner in a vegetable garden hosted by members of our local community.
This tour is not suitable for those with severe food allergies. Some of the treats consumed on this tour contain peanuts, fish sauce and a wide variety of other safe but exotic ingredients. There are vegetarian options subject to vendor availability.

Please note: Cambodian day tours will not operate April 14th, 15th & 16th due to Khmer New Year celebrations. We apologize for any inconvenience.






Tour Itinerary

Start Time: 3 pm – End Time: 7:30 pm

Our evening starts at 3 pm at the Grasshopper Shop.

First, we ride to a stall famous for its BBQ beef. After a quick nibble, we pedal past homes and businesses to enjoy a special delicacy of char-grilled giant snails, with a tofu option available for the faint of heart.

We bypass the bustle of the smaller neighborhood markets and children going home from school, to one of the most popular local food night markets, awash with color and tasty treats. We set out to pick & mix among the offerings which include delicacies such as pig ears and tripe, as well as our favorite: fish curry soup.

After that delicious detour, we ride through some iconic Cambodian countryside to the local fairground where, as the sun sets, we munch our way through stalls serving up lotus buds, deep-fried insects and a wonderful array of sweet treats as well as fruits which have no name in English!

After a short transfer, we conclude our foodie fantasy with a very special dinner with members of our local community in their vegetable garden. From farm to plate we enjoy the conversation over a truly traditional family meal washed down with rice wine and a couple of cool beers for good measure.

At the close of our ride, an air-conditioned van is waiting to transport us back to the Grasshopper shop in Siem Reap, arriving around 7:30 pm, leaving plenty of time to enjoy the evening’s cultural activities in town.

Food Allergies
This tour is not suitable for those with severe food allergies. Some of the food consumed on this tour contains peanuts, fish sauce and a wide variety of other safe but exotic ingredients.

This tour has some options for vegetarians which are subject to the vendors’ availability on the day of the tour. There are a wide variety of meat alternatives including tofu, fruits and local vegetables. Due to the nature of local Khmer cuisine, we cannot guarantee that certain foodstuffs do not contain traces of animal or fish fats.

This ride is predominantly on flat tracks and urban small roads - there are no hills in the area so anyone who can reasonably ride a bike can do this tour. There are a few sections of narrow busy backroads. Long pants and long sleeves are advisable. Closed toed shoes are also recommended. The pace is easy and relaxed making for an enjoyable ride.



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