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Inle Bike & Bites offline sales



29 USD


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Half Day Food and Bike Tour at Inle Lake

Our tour explores the bucolic countryside of Nyaung Shwe, stopping at a variety of local eating houses and food producers along the way to get an insight into traditional Shan food, culture and history. This adventure really puts you in touch with the locals as we enjoy the cuisine and venues they frequent daily, all while your resident guide shares insider knowledge.
Our stops include a selection of popular breakfast locations and morning favorites for both food and gossip, including one location opposite the Shan Palace where we can catch up on a little local history. Suitably fed, we'll set off on a ride around the little-visited outer suburbs and narrow lanes of Nyaung Shwe, getting a look at the day-to-day life of the locals before heading out among the fields. Out here we'll drop in on a number of cottage industries producing local specialties; this is our chance to get an insight into the production side of the food processor, and enjoy some samples along the way of course!

Please note: Our Inle Lake bike tours will not operate April 13th to 17th due to Burmese New Year holidays. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you enjoy the many celebrations happening this time of year.






Tour Itinerary

Start Time: 7:30 am – End Time: 12:30 pm

Meet at the Grasshopper Adventures Shop

Our day begins meeting at the Grasshopper shop located in central Nyaung Shwe at 7:15am. After introductions comes a bike fitting, safety briefing and then off on the bikes to try our first dish!

Sampling local specialties and history

We'll cycle to three small eateries, stopping at each to sample their unique local specialties. Just a short ride down the road is our first stop, serving a unique warm breakfast dish. From here it's a short hop to the local tea shop, a popular social hangout and venue for gossip. Here we'll sip local tea and try some local snacks. Our next pit-stop is just down the road where we'll enjoy a slightly heartier breakfast, the local version of ‘Mohinga’ - one of Myanmar’s national dishes. While we eat we'll enjoy a view of the Shan Palace while listening to the history of the Sawbwa (Shan Princes).

Explore the outskirts of town

Suitably fuelled, we set off on a ride around the outer suburbs of Nyaung Shwe where smiling children and adults will surely greet you -  few tourists come around these lanes! Before long we're out among the fields - rice, flowers, beans and other crops will be on view, depending on the season.

See how it's made

We'll make a stop at a family house where they make 'Be Mont', something like a small rice-paper pasty filled with mashed potato or chopped spring onion. Moving on we'll pass through open rice fields offering great views of the surrounding mountains, go by some ancient, crumbling monuments and pause for a photo of a visually striking newer one.

If we're on the right day we may be lucky enough to show a curious technique for producing a special kind of rice that is considered a symbol of prosperity. On almost every day we can see the ubiquitous rice crackers drying in the sun. We'll visit one of these production houses and sample these according to the local taste. One of the condiments might only appeal to those with a truly adventurous spirit! Yet another type of traditional sticky-rice preparation is our next flavour - this time a choice of plain, sesame or jaggery, a palm-sugar derivative.

Stretch the legs

Leaving these busy, interesting villages behind us we'll stretch out our legs again and venture out to the other side of town, getting amongst tall bamboo forests and passing monasteries and schools along the way. Here a tiny food stall will prepare some interesting salads for us to taste before we head off again deep into the countryside, starting our return journey back into the town.

The Return Journey

Oxen plough the fields, workers cut the sugar cane, birds sing and the encircling mountains provide a glorious backdrop to it all. Midway through we'll have a surprise stop for you with a pop-up restaurant, serving a traditional Shan staple (you'll find out on the day!) accompanied by a welcoming fresh juice. Water buffalo laze in the water channel beside the road, ducks may cause a traffic jam and the friendly locals will call and wave as we pass by, heading back to the Grasshopper shop where we'll conclude around 12.30 (13:30 for those who like a slower pace).

This morning tour is guaranteed to leave you with all your senses full - a riot of sight, sound, taste and smell.



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