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Cycle Angkor to the Sea – Classic

Home > Cambodia

Cycle Angkor to the Sea - Classic

Price from

1650 USD


7 Days | 6 Nights



Average Ride

A Bike Tour Stretching Cambodia from Angkor to the Coast

An unforgettable adventure, cycle touring from the heart of the former Angkor Kingdom to the sun-drenched island & beaches of Cambodia. Experience all the highlights from north to south, touring with an expert local guide and immersing yourself in the rich culture, history and warm smiles of ‘The Kingdom of Wonder’.

Quality Bikes
Cannondale CX3

Your Guide
Friendly Cambodian team

Group Size
2 to 14

4 Star Boutique Hotels


Minimum Age


After your exploration of Angkor, you may be curious about what lies beyond the ruins of the ancient Kingdom. Discover what else Cambodia has in store by exploring the interior of the country, cycling around lakes, countryside and rivers to the coast.

This is a pleasant, easily achievable ride that allows you to explore Cambodia in the best way possible, at handlebar height. We take a mostly flat route through the heart of the country visiting some lesser-known temple ruins and meeting the friendly Khmer people who live throughout the countryside.

Starting from Siem Reap and concluding at the beach in Sihanoukville, this tour aims to deliver unique travel experiences that just aren’t possible when travelling by any other means. Get up close and personal during the day with the engaging locals and at night, relax in some of the best boutique accommodation available.

The fresh air of Kirirom, the French architecture of Kampot and the relaxed, seaside vibe of Kep are all highlights of this bike tour. But the small villages and welcoming people are sure to be the most enduring memories of this great adventure.

317 Km riding. The terrain is a mix of sealed and unsealed roads, tracks and trails. It is our aim to deliver as much traffic-free track and trail as possible, but at times we do need to resort to secondary roads. We spend no more than 5km over the whole tour on anything resembling a highway. The ride is easily achievable for those who are comfortable controlling a bike, with hardly any hills and no distances over 60km on any single day.


With a local university student as our leader, explore the village industries of Battambang.

Breathe in clean forest air as we stay the night nestled near Kirirom Mountain.

Cycle through the forest of Kep National park to the sparkling coast.

Pedal past small fishing communities and emerge at the white sand and clear waters of Otres Beach.


Day to Day

Riding: 30 km
Meal: LD

An early start from your hotel will help us to reach Battambang by late morning. Lunch, then a little down time before taking a late afternoon cycle to see one of the provinces most stunning 11th-century temples at Phnom Banan before riding to Phnom Sampou where a great view can be seen from the more recently built hilltop temple. The food side of the adventure is well underway by sundown.

Riding: 32 km
Meal: BLD

This morning we take an exciting cycle ride through the villages surrounding Battambang, accompanied by a local university student, to learn about the cottage industries that support these local economies. The ride is on a lovely route along the river with lots of shade. We stop to see rice paper making, banana drying, rice wine and prahok production, as well as visiting the best snack stop in all Cambodia, the kralanh shop. After returning to town, we drive around 3 hours to the small town of Kampong Chhnang where we take a pleasant trip in a rowboat through the floating villages.

Riding: 60 km
Meal: BLD

A 1.5 hour drive takes us to the former capital of Cambodia at Oudong. After visiting the mountain top temple, we ride along quiet country trails and backroads all the way to the outskirts of Phnom Penh. The city is not for us today though, so we pedal on past the metro area and southwards to the minor town of Kampong Speu, where a modest guest house awaits after a short transfer in the van.

Riding: 60 km
Meal: BLD

An early start with a Khmer Breakfast and we are out on quiet, unpaved roads through rice fields, sugar crops and a variety of small communities. Hills appear on our right and we feel that we are far from the beaten path as surprised youngsters call out with hellos and questions as we pedal past. As we cycle on, Kirirom Mountain comes into view. We pack up and can transfer the 10km climb by van, but the option is there for anyone who loves cycling the climbs. We spend the night in a small guesthouse set among the trees and enjoy a night of forest sounds.

Riding: 45 km
Meal: BLD

No need for an early start this morning, so enjoy the surrounds, take a walk and savor a slow breakfast. We'll set off mid-morning on a drive back down to the flatlands to start our ride to the coast. Small trails and backroads past limestone karsts lead us south where we encounter the pepper plantations for which the area is known. We stop here to learn about this high quality crop, then pedal on. Arriving into Kep is a wonderful moment, as we emerge from the forest of Kep National Park to views of the sea and our lovely accommodation.

Riding: 35 km
Meal: BLD

With free time this morning you can explore the Kep National Park behind our accommodation where small trails are perfect for walking. Rabbit Island is also nearby and a boat trip out allows you to enjoy some lovely white sand. Leaving Kep mid-afternoon we ride on small trails then minor roads past 'Secret Lake', a man made reservoir. We roll into the lazy little town of Kampot just in time for a sunset drink on the riverside with the imposing Bokor Mountain off in the distance.

Riding: 55 km
Meal: B

We start this morning with a 40-minute drive along the coast and around the base of Bokor Mountain, before hitting the bikes. We are riding through small fishing communities today on trails through mangroves and wetlands. We cycle past Ream National Park and actually ride on the hard-packed beach sand as we near Sihanoukville. A low hill or two make for a last challenge, and the ride concludes on arrival at Otres Beach. We will transfer you to a hotel of your choosing after a celebratory drink. Please feel free to ask us for accommodation recommendations.



At Grasshopper, we aim to not only offer bike tours through the must-see sights, but also cycling adventures off the beaten track to discover the heart and soul of the destination and come into contact with authentic local life. That is certainly true of this tour that takes you beyond the tourist centers to the interesting city of Battambang to learn about local industries, then to Kampong Chhnang for a boat around the floating villages, then on through the countryside, ending up by the coast for some fun in the sun.


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